Learn by Playing-Tax Attack

Objective: Create a game board with the topic "Tax Attack". As a part of the design team, we were responsible for background research and all visual components from initial sketches to the final game mock-up. The goal of the project is to educate audiences through playing the game.

Game Dimensions

Game 20" x 20"; Box 10.25" x 10.25" x 2.6; Cards 3" x 2"; Money 3" x 1.5"; Player Pieces 20mm

Design Team

Sophia Alcaraz: Color and Illustrations on the game board. Chance cards
Diana Barrera: 3D modeled player pieces and box
Liam Bolinger: Vectorized hero image and instruction sheet
Anastasiya Brailko: Wrote the trivia and chance cards and game rules. Created the game board and money
Jacob Chavez: Trivia cards

Hero Image

Rules Sheet

Design Process

As a group, we brainstormed ideas for our game on our shared Mural board, ultimately landing on the concept of Tax Attack. We then allocated responsibilities, with mine being the vector hero image and the rule sheet. We each submitted sketches for the hero image, ultimately choosing one made by Anastasiya Brailko. I then took it into Adobe Illustrator, polished the design, and made it match our chosen branding.

For the rules sheet, I based the overall design on the gameboard made by Anastasiya Brailko. I based my design on various board game instructions that I owned while keeping it fun and playful.


OTB Enviromental Signage